Materi Apologetik

"No one can go to heaven unless he knows the way to heaven. If we wish to go to a certain city, the first thing we do is to ask the way that leads to it.
If we do not know the way, we cannot expect to arrive at that city.

So, too, if we wish to go to heaven, we must know the way that leads to it.
Now, the way that leads to it is the knowing and doing of God's will.
But it is God alone who can teach us His will; that is, what he requires us to believe and to do, in order to be happy with him in heaven.
Fr. Michael Müller CSSR, "Extra Ecclesiam Nullus omnino Salvatur?" 1888

Di halaman ini saya kumpulkan (sebagian) materi-materi yang berguna bagi kehidupan saya pribadi untuk tetap menjadi Katolik yang baik.

LIBERALISM IS A SIN - Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany (buku online EWTN)

Evangelization Station (leaflet A4 dalam bentuk PDF berbagai judul)

Memorare (promosi Katolik tradisional dan mengenal ajaran Gereja)

Spiritual Theology - Father Jordan Aumann

Daftar Dogma Gereja Katolik -Jloughnan

Church in History -materi sejarah

St. Paul  Ministries (home) :