Jumat, 30 April 2010

Bapa Uskup Slattery: Ad Orientem (Majalah Eastern Oklahoma Catholic, Sept 2009)

Ad Orientem
Revival of ancient rite brings multiple advantages,
some misperceptions
– Bishop Edward J. Slattery

Because the Mass is so necessary and fundamental to our Catholic experience, the liturgy is a constant topic in our conversation.
That is why when we get together, we so often relect upon the prayers and readings, discuss the homily, and – likely as not – argue about the music.
The critical element in these conversations is an understanding that we Catholics worship the way we do because of what the Mass is: Christ’s sacrifice, offered under the sacramental signs of bread and wine.

If our conversation about the Mass is going to “make any sense,” then we have to grasp this essential truth:
At Mass, Christ joins us to Himself as He offers Himself in sacrifice to the Father for the world’s redemption.
We can offer ourselves like this in Him because we have become members of His Body by Baptism.
We also want to remember that all of the faithful offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice as members of Christ’s body.
It’s incorrect to think that only the priest offers Mass.
All the faithful share in the offering, even though the priest has a unique role.
He stands “in the person of Christ,” the historic Head of the Mystical Body, so that, at Mass, it is the whole body of Christ– Head and members together that make the offering.

Facing the same direction
From ancient times, the position of the priest and the people relected this understanding of the Mass, since the people prayed, standing or kneeling, in the place that visibly corresponded to Our Lord’s Body, while the priest at the altar stood at the head as the Head We formed the whole Christ – Head and members – both sacramentally by Baptism and visibly by our position and posture.
Just as importantly, everyone –celebrant and congregation– faced the same direction, since they were united with Christ in offering to the Father Christ’s unique, unrepeat-able and acceptable sacrifice.  
When we study the most ancient liturgical practices of the Church, we find that the priest and the people faced in the same direction, usually toward the east, in the expectation that when Christ returns, He will return “from the east.”
At Mass, the Church keeps vigil, waiting for that return.
This single position is called ad orientem, which simply means “toward the east.”

Multiple advantages
Having the priest and people celebrate Mass ad orientem was the liturgical norm for nearly 18 centuries.
Theremust have been solid reasons for the Church to have held on to this posture for so long.
And there were!

First of all, the Catholic liturgy has always maintained a marvelous adherence to the Apostolic Tradition.
We see the Mass, indeed the whole liturgical expression of the Church’s life, as something which we have received from the Apostles and which we, in turn, are expected to hand on intact. (1 Corinthians 11:23)

Secondly, the Church held on to this single eastward position because of the sublime way it reveals the nature of the Mass.
Even someone unfamiliar with the Mass who relected upon the celebrant and the faithful being oriented in the same direction would recognize that the priest stands at the head of the people, sharing in one and the same action, which was – he would note with a moment’s longer relection – an act of worship.

An innovation with unforeseen consequences
In the last 40 years, however, this shared orientation was lost; now the priest and the people have become accustomed to facing in opposit directions.
The priest faces the people while the people face the priest, even though the Eucharistic Prayer is directed to the Father and not to the people.

This innovation was introduced after the Vatican Council, partly to help the people understand the liturgical action of the Mass by allowing them to see what was going on, and partly as an accommodation to contemporary culture where people who exercise authority are expected to face directly the people they serve, like a teacher sitting behind her desk.

Unfortunately this change had a number of unforeseen and largely negative effects.
First of all, it was a serious rupture with the Church’s ancient tradition.
Secondly, it can give the appearance that the priest and the people were engaged in a conversation about God, rather than the worship of God.
Thirdly, it places an inordinate importance on the personality of the celebrant by placing him on a kind of liturgical stage.

Recovering the sacred
Even before his election as the successor to St. Peter, Pope Benedict has been urging us to draw upon the ancient liturgical practice of the Church to recover a more authentic Catholic worship.
For that reason, I have restored the venerable ad orientem position when I celebrate Mass at the Cathedral.

This change ought not to be misconstrued as the Bishop “turning his back on the faithful,” as if I am being inconsiderate or hostile.
Such an interpretation misses the point that, by facing in the same direction, the posture of the celebrant and the congregation make explicit the fact that we journey together to God.
Priest and people are on this pilgrimage together.   

It would also be a mistaken notion to look at the recovery of this ancient tradition as a mere “turning back of the clock.”
Pope Benedict has spoken repeatedly of the importance of celebrating Mass ad orientem, but his intention is not to encourage celebrants to become “liturgical antiquarians.”
Rather, His Holiness wants us to discover what underlies this ancient tradition and made it viable for so many centuries, namely, the Church’s understanding that the worship of the Mass is primarily and essentially the worship which Christ offers to His Father.


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Kamis, 29 April 2010

Hans Kung: Tahbisan perempuan, hapus selibat, dan 4 uskup anti Yahudi (SSPX)

Muncul di Tempo hari ini (29 April 2010)

Pengantar dariku:
Blog yang aku buat ini, tidak aku maksudkan untuk ber-apologetik.
Tapi yang diungkapkan oleh Hans Kung ini sungguh keterlaluan.
Pada bagian akhir, ada dia singgung (secara implisit) 4 uskup SSPX yang diterima kembali oleh Roma (dan umumnya, itulah senjata kaum "modernis" untuk menentang TLM).


Transkrip wawancara:
(bold untuk pertanyaan pewawancara, warna merah untuk highlight yang aku sorot)


Ingatannya kuat dan bicaranya lantang. Dialah Romo Hans Kung, pastor berumur 82 tahun yang dikenal berseberangan dengan Gereja Katolik Roma. Hingga hari ini, ia tetap menjadi kritikus yang gigih terhadap kewibawaan Paus, yang disebutnya sebagai ciptaan manusia dan bukan sesuatu yang ditetapkan oleh Allah.
Lewat bukunya, Infallible? An Inquiry, Kung menolak doktrin infallible Paus. 
Karena itu, izin mengajarnya sebagai seorang teolog utusan Vatikan dicabut. Meski begitu, Profesor Kung tetap mengajar teologi ekumenis di Universitas Tübingen, Jerman, hingga pensiun pada 1996. Ia pun tetap menjadi imam Katolik Roma.

“Saya dikaruniai akal-pikiran, dan atas restu Tuhan, saya diberi keberanian dan kekuatan untuk bicara, maka saya harus bicara meskipun itu pahit,”katanya kepada Tempo di Jakarta, Senin lalu. Kung dan Paus Benediktus sejatinya adalah kawan lama. Pada 1962, Kung dan Kardinal Josep Ratzinger (Paus Benediktus XVI) diangkat menjadi peritus oleh Paus Yohanes XXIII. Keduanya bertugas sebagai penasihat ahli teologi bagi para anggota dari Konsili Vatikan II hingga selesai pada 1965.

“Anda tahu kami memiliki pandangan yang berbeda,”ujarnya menanggapi hubungan yang tak sedap selama ini dengan Takhta Suci Vatikan. Namun, pada 2005, keduanya terlibat dalam diskusi bersahabat tentang teologi dalam sebuah makan malam bersama, sesuatu yang mengejutkan sejumlah pengamat.

Apa saja yang dibicarakan dengan Paus Benediktus? Lalu apakah hubungan yang telah pulih itu kini bercerai lagi setelah ia mendesak Paus bertanggung jawab atas skandal seks yang melibatkan para penginjil itu? Kepada Andree Priyanto, Idrus F. Sahab, Sapto Pradityo, dan Adek Media serta pewarta foto Yosep Arkian, Presiden Yayasan Etika Global—yang mengkampanyekan kesamaan di antara agamaagama dunia—ini bicara blakblakan. 

Kepada media asing Anda bilang Paus mesti bertanggung jawab atas kasus pelecehan seksual, mengapa?
Menurut saya, Paus harus bertanggung jawab. Dia bertanggung jawab atas kasus pelecehan seksual yang terjadi di gereja karena dia berupaya menutupinya. Lagi pula tak adil kalau Paus menyalahkan uskup Irlandia, yang tentu saja menutupi hal ini atas perintah Paus. Karena itu, menurut saya, penting untuk menyelidiki hal ini dan saya berutang kepada berjuta-juta umat Katolik untuk bicara hal ini.

Karena sudah menjadi budaya para uskup tak diperkenankan bicara secara terbuka tak terkecuali uskup Irlandia, yang tentu saja tak akan bilang,"Well, siapa yang mesti bertanggung jawab atas apa yang kami patuhi? Andalah yang bertanggung jawab, Bapa Suci."
Saya percaya ini tugas saya untuk bicara. Saya dikaruniai akal-pikiran, dan atas berkat Tuhan, saya diberikan keberanian dan kekuatan untuk bicara, maka saya harus bicara meskipun itu pahit dan asal Anda tahu, saya sudah menunggu selama lima tahun, dan saya pikir inilah saat yang tepat bagi saya untuk bicara.

Apa akar masalahnya?
Sebenarnya selibat itu bukan satu-satunya penyebab kesalahan yang bermuara pada skandal pelecehan ini. Hal paling penting dan struktural yang paling menentukan ekspresi kecurigaan gereja terhadap seks. Kalau Anda lihat dalam Perjanjian Baru,Yesus dan Rasul Paulus melakukan selibat, tapi mereka tetap memberi kebebasan penuh kepada tiaptiap individu untuk memilih.

Jadi, apa solusinya?
Sederhana saja, hapus hukum selibat, yang merupakan akar dari segala kejahatan ini, dan terima pengakuan dari wanita untuk pentahbisan. Para uskup tahu hal ini, tapi mereka tak punya cukup keberanian untuk mengatakan kepada publik.
Setiap orang setuju bahwa aturan selibat hanyalah sebuah hukum gereja yang berasal dari abad ke-11 dan bukan suatu perintah Ilahi.

Komentar Paus?
Tentu saja dia tidak suka.Tapi tak apa, buat saya masyarakat gereja lebih penting daripada Paus. Saya tetap berada di lingkungan gereja Katolik semata karena berkomitmen kepada umat dan mereka yang beriman. Bukan karena hierarki dan lagi pula ini tak sejalan sebagaimana diwasiatkan dalam Perjanjian Baru.
Kalau Anda baca Perjanjian Baru, di situ jelas sekali disebutkan bahwa Yesus ingin melayani umat manusia. Karena itu, Paus sendiri bergelar Servus Servorum Dei (Pelayan Para Pelayan Ilahi).

Sesungguhnya apa motivasi Anda? 
Saya hanya ingin bicara jujur dan bukan membuat skandal. Jika Anda merasa ini akan disalahpahami, abaikan saja, karena tak akan ada gunanya. Orang perlu mengetahui kebenaran, tapi kalau kebenaran itu disalahartikan, itu berbahaya.

Apakah penyebabnya kepemimpinan tunggal di gereja Katolik?
Ya. Kekuasaan tunggal yang diperkenalkan di abad ke-11. Sampai saat ini kekuasaan tunggal itu masih dipakai oleh Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Paus Benediktus), memusatkan semua kasus pelecehan dalam dewan kepausan untuk doktrin iman atas isu ini.

Paus juga telah menulis surat, lebih dari sekali surat kepausan, yang menekankan kerahasiaan tertinggi (highest secrecy) di mana atas nama keyakinan, Anda dilarang berbicara ke luar dan karena masalah-masalah ini ada di dalam sistem yang menurut saya bukan sistem yang baik. Kuria Romawi memiliki kontrol atas dewan. Itu sebabnya muncul kesulitan karena uskup tak lagi bisa memutuskan sesuatu. Sistem ini sudah tak lagi bisa diadaptasi gereja yang memiliki lebih dari satu miliar pengikut di seluruh dunia.

Saya berharap Paus Benediktus cukup cerdas untuk mengoreksi ucapannya soal kondom—Paus Benediktus pernah mengatakan bahwa kondom bukanlah solusi mencegah penyebaran AIDS.
Di sini, saya kira, kami perlu mengoreksi sikap kami bahwa melarang pemakaian kontrasepsi dan kondom bu
kanlah sikap seorang kristiani yang baik. Sebagaimana juga dalam isu selibat.

Anda bertemu dengan Paus pada 2005, apakah ini upaya rekonsiliasi?
Seperti yang Anda tahu, kami memiliki pandangan yang berbeda.
Dia pemimpin Takhta Suci Vatikan, dia pernah menjadi Kuria Romawi, Kepala Kongregasi Doktrin Keimanan, dan saya sendiri pengusung teologi pembebasan. Saya menulis surat kepadanya setelah ia terpilih menjadi paus bahwa ada baiknya kita bertemu untuk bicara serius dan bukan sekadar basa-basi seremonial. Paus setuju dan kami bertemu di tempat peristirahatan paus di pegunungan Albania. Kami berbicara dari hati ke hati selama empat jam. Saya dijamu dengan baik. Kami bicara terbuka.

Bagaimana kelanjutannya setelah itu? Apakah hubungan Anda dengan Roma pulih?
Setelah pertemuan itu, kami kerap bertukar surat. Saya kirimi beliau artikel-artikel saya yang diterbitkan. Tentu saja beberapa hal mengkritik kebijakan gereja Roma, tapi beliau tetap menanggapi dengan positif. Situasinya menjadi sulit buat saya dan kebanyakan umat Katolik ketika ia menerima empat uskup di gereja yang tak punya legitimasi. Mereka, para uskup ini, tak hanya berada di luar gereja, tapi juga anti-Yahudi dan anti-Islam. Malah salah satunya menyangkal adanya Holocaust-genosida atau pembasmian etnis Yahudi selama Perang Dunia II.

Secara keseluruhan mereka menentang hubungan antaragama, mereka menentang Konsili Ekumenis Vatikan Kedua--yang membawa perubahan pada Gereja Katolik Roma pada 1962-1965--kebebasan beragama, liturgi (ibadah) baru, dan lain-lain. Karena itu, saya bilang kepada Paus mengapa bisa ia menerima orang-orang sejenis itu.
Paus merasa amat tercoreng oleh tudingan para ahli agama. Konsili Ekumenis Vatikan Kedua adalah otoritas tertinggi Gereja Katolik Roma, yang bahkan Paus pun tak bisa menentangnya.

(Screenshot halaman Tempo, klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar)


Mea culpa... mea culpa... mea maxima culpa

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The Mass... Misa Pontifikal HE. Antonio Tobias, Novaliches - Quezon

Sudah muncul sebagian foto-foto dan ulasannya oleh Rorate-Caeli di sini (klik).
Many thanks to Carlos Antonio Palad & Mark Bunag

Semoga event misa pontifikal ini, semakin memotivasi keuskupan-keuskupan dan paroki-paroki di Indonesia, supaya Misa Tridentina bisa segera hadir di sini.
Filipina bisa, kenapa kita tidak?


Post sebelumnya:
Filipina: Misa Pontikal H.E. Antonio R Tobias, Uskup Novaliches
Sakristi - Misa Pontifikal HE. Antonio R. Tobias
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Sakristi - Misa Pontifikal HE. Antonio R. Tobias

Foto-foto dan penjelasan oleh Mark Bunag

Di balik Sakristi :

The Zucchetto is the silk yarmulka-like skullcap worn by bishops. The Pope's zucchetto is white; the cardinals' zucchetti are scarlet; the bishops' zucchetti are violet. Priests may use a black cloth zucchetto for everyday wear, but not during the liturgy

The biretta is a tri-cornered or square-shaped hat with silk trim, tuft (except for the birette of seminarians and cardinals) and three raised wings, called "horns," on top at three corners (the side of the hat without the horn is worn on the left side of the head). It is made of scarlet silk for cardinals, violet silk for bishops, and black merlino for priests, deacons, and seminarians

Cappa magna (Latin: great cape) A cope or robe worn by cardinals and bishops on occasions of ceremony, which may be described as a glorified cappa choralis. Its color for cardinals is ordinarily red, and for bishops violet. It has a long train, requiring a train-bearer, and a large hood, of fur in winter and of silk in summer. Canons and specially privileged prelates also wear the cappa magna, but folded and curtailed to signify an inferior dignity.

Amice (Latin: amictus, garment)
Short linen vestment, square or oblong in shape, worn beneath the alb to cover the shoulders of the priest while celebrating Mass. When putting it on he touches the head with it, saying: "Put on my head, O Lord, the helmet of salvation, in order to repel the assaults of the devil."

 [girdle; cincture] A priestly vestment generally made of white linen, but sometimes of silk, wool, or cotton and of the color of the day, tied around the waist to confine the alb, worn at Mass. It symbolizes chastity. Wrapping it about the alb the priest prays: "Bind me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity and chastity." As a cord, or often as a broad sash, it is included in almost every form of religious or ecclesiastical costume.

[episcopal gloves] Worn by bishops and some privileged prelates at a solemn Pontifical Mass. Their color varies with the day. They signify being clothed with, acting in the name of, reliance on the merits of, Christ.

Mitres. A folding cap of linen, silk, or cloth of gold, often ornamented, consisting of two parts, stiffened and peaked, sewed together on the sides and united above by a strip of folding cloth, having two fringed lappets hanging down the back, worn by the pope, bishops, and cardinals at solemn liturgical functions. It was first worn in Rome about the middle of the tenth century and its use became a general custom among bishops, 1100-1150. It is derived from a cone-shaped head-covering distinctive of the pope. It is frequently used in art to indicate that a subject is or was a bishop, or had other connection to the office.

 Close up altar

side altar... this is where the bishops prays the preparatory and thanksgiving prayers...

His Excellency is being helped donning his regalia
Acccording to Bishop Tobias... this is secong pontiafical solemn high mass, his first was in Versailles, France... (SSPX)

 Then other ministers are donning their vestments... the assisting ministers are the Friars of the Immaculate (an international congregation founded by Fr Stefanno Manelli)

His Excellency wears the cappa magna.... I ask the sisters who made it... it was made from silk fabric... actually we had a hard time donning this cappa...

 Faldstool supposed to bo used by Bishop, instead of a Throne

Persiapan Perarakan



Post sebelumnya:
Filipina: Misa Pontikal H.E. Antonio R Tobias, Uskup Novaliches
Nex: The mass  (...bersambung)
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Filipina: Misa Pontikal H.E. Antonio R Tobias, Uskup Novaliches

*Dari Mark Bunag

Solemn pontifical High Mass oleh HE. Antonio R Tobias, Uskup Novaliches.
Misa dilaksanakan di Kapel Tujuh Duka Maria, Susteran Fransiscan dari Immaculata, Keuskupan Novaliches - Quezon Filipina; 27 April 27, 2010 pk10:30 waktu setempat.
Dihadiri oleh seluruh kongregasi suster, ordo ketiga, para sahabat, tetangga sekitar, dan para donatur.

Misa dilaksanakan Bapa Uskup dari faldstool (semacam kursi kecil tanpa sandaran), sebagai ganti throne (tahta)

Keuskupan Novaliches:

Foto-foto dari balik sakristi akan segera menyusul (atas kebaikan hati Mark Bunag)
*Mark Bunag : MC Keuskupan untuk Usus Antiquor (Tata liturgi Ekstra Ordinaria)

Reportase Rorate Caeli: First Solemn Pontifical Mass by a ruling Filipino bishop in his diocese since 1970
Sakristi - Misa Pontifikal HE. Antonio R. Tobias
The Mass... Misa Pontifikal HE. Antonio Tobias, Novaliches - Quezon
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Rabu, 28 April 2010

Pesta Santo Yosep, Pekerja - Suami SP. Maria, 1 Mei

Hari ini, 1 Mei, menurut penanggalan tradisional adalah Pesta Santo Yosep, Pekerja dan suami dari Santa Perawan Maria.

Pesta Santo Yosep merupakan pesta santo kelas 1 (artinya: wajib).

Proper misa yang digunakan adalah "Missa Sapienta" (diambil dari kata pertama pada bagian Introit proper hari tersebut)

Sapientia reddidit iustis mercedem laborum suorum, et deduxit illos in via mirabili, et fuit illis in velamento diei et in luce stellarum per noctem. [T.P. Alleluia, alleluia.]
Nisi Dominus adificaverit domum, in vanum laborant qui aedificant eam.
V.:Gloria Patri . . . -- Sapientia reddidit iustis . . .

Kebijaksanaan diberikan untuk mengupah pekerjanya dengan adil, dan dilakukannya dengan cara yang indah: dan ia ada pada mereka pada sianghari, dan cahaya bintang-bintang pada malam hari
V.: Kemuliaan kepada Bapa . . . -- Kebijaksanaan diberikan. . .

Kalender Liturgi: ordo 20010 Mei 
Teks proper : Virgo Mater Die
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Senin, 26 April 2010

Buku For the Visitor at Mass, SSPX?

Malam ini saya menerima komentar di post terdahulu sbb:

Anonim mengatakan...
for the visitor at mass punya sspx tuh...cieee...

Sepintas, komentar ini bernada gurau (dan semoga saja saudara Anonim memang berniat gurau).
Akan tetapi, nanti para pembaca yang lain, yang mungkin tidak tahu mengenai status ir-reguler SSPX dan pernak-perniknya; akan bertanya-tanya, dan umumnya jawaban standar yang beredar adalah "SSPX adalah skismatik."
Dan seterusnya.. dan seterusnya... Dan akhirnya bisa saja memancing perdebatan tak perlu (sudah terjadi di banyak forum Katolik).

Lalu, dari sepintas "gurauan" dan debat tak perlu, akan muncul image bahwa misa Tridentina adalah misa yang bla bla bla  (fill in the blank).
Dan tambah jauhlah panggang dari api untuk menghadirkan misa ini di Indonesia.

Yang pertama saya jelaskan:
ini adalah buku yang mengenalkan Misa Kudus dalam bentuk ekstra ordinaria. Itu saja.

Review paling netral setahu saya adalah dari Pater John Zuhlsdorf di sini

The Angelus Press, publishing arm for the SSPX, has put out a very nice, very helpful little booklet designed precisely For the Visitor at Mass.  
There are many photos to exemplify the actions of the Mass, taken at a church in Kansas City, MO.  I hope in a new edition some of the photos might be improved.  There are a few focus problems.  But all in all the photos are well chosen to show what is going on at Mass.

"But Father! but Father!", a few of you are probably gasping. 
"Are you suggesting that this is a good book when it is published by those schismatics?  I thought we couldn’t have anything to do with Lefebvrites!"
First, of all, leaving aside the term "schism", if a book is good, it’s good.  This is a great little tool. 
There is nothing polemical in it at all.  Even in the introductory section, where there might have been some shots fired there are only helpful explanations. 

Second, it is certainly permissible to buy books from a non-Catholic publisher, so long as they are decent. 
Why shouldn’t one be able to purchase them from a publisher which is Catholic, even though the unity of the group with Rome is not perfect? 
Also, if it is permissible when attending a Mass of the SSPX (provided that the motives are proper – and I do not recommend Communion unless your circumstances are such that it is appropriate) to make a small contribution at offertory time, why could not one buy a book? 

Catholics can engaged a non-Catholic construction firm to build a church, so why can’t we purchase books from a publisher of Catholic books to build the faith, even if the publisher’s associations are not in perfect unity? 
Also, I cannot think of any similar book printed by any group in more perfect and manifest union with Rome

Were there something similar or better, I would have to give that greater consideration.  In the meantime, this is a wonderful tool.

Third, it seems to me that the attitude of "embargo" against any Angelus Press products, simply because of the association of the SSPX, is really contrary to the spirit in which our Holy Father Pope Benedict has given us Summorum Pontificum.  Someday, I hope, there will be more perfect, manifest unity. In that case, we should desire that the Angelus Press be sound and strong, for it will then be truly helpful in a much wider context.  I act in that hope.

I think that parishes where the TLM is celebrated could use this useful and inviting little booklet.  Perhaps pastors of parishes might contact Angelus Press to see if they can get samples.  I think they will be favorably impressed.

Selesai membaca penjelasan Fr. Zuhlsdorf , kita nikmati preview halaman-halaman dalam buku tersebut:
(foto dari Angelus Press, klik pada image untuk memperbesar)

Masih diperlukan relawan untuk menterjemahkan 

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Minggu, 25 April 2010

Terimakasih bapak Markus Kuncoro

Baru datang, kiriman dari States....

Menanti relawan untuk review dan post hasil reviewnya di sini (atau di FB fan page)
Sangat sangat membantu untuk program edukasi dan promosi ke paroki-paroki lainnya di Indonesia
(dan moga-moga saja ada yang tetrarik untuk membeli lisensi terjemahannya dan nantinya bisa diterbitkan sendiri di Indonesia)

(update dari bro Joseph)

1. Rubrics of the ROMAN BREVIARY and MISSAL
(according to the 1962 edition).
Nihil obstat: John Eidenschink, OSB, JCD cencor deputatus.
Imprimatur: +Peter W. Bartholome, DD, Bishop of St Cloud. Oct 16, 1960.... See More

2. Latin~English Booklet Missal
For praying the Traditional Mass

3. A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin
John F. Collins, 1937
By The Catholic University of America Press
+ 4 buku lagu dengan notasi balok

4. Sancta Missa
Missa in Cantu & Missa Lecta
(Komplit dengan CD audio Tutorial in Gregorian Chant & Liturgical Prayer 1962 Missale Romanum

5. Square Notes Workbook in Gregorian Chant

6. Kyriale
(Including the Missa pro Defunctis)
By Achille P. Bragers

7. "Proper" of the Mass
For the Entire Ecclesiastical Year
By Rossini

8. Satu DVD Sancta Missa
Ordo Missae Privatae
In Festo Ssmae Trinitatis
Low Mass of Trinity Sunday

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Foto Misa Pontifikal Bp. Slattery 24 April 2010 (Tambahan)

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Foto Misa Pontifikal Bp. Slattery, DC 24 April 2010

Special report dari AlwaysCatholic dan foto-foto atas kebaikan hati  Iamblock, MatthewJLB, dan Mr. P. Schlenker

Misa Pontifikal (menurut ritus Tridentina) Yang Mulia Bapa Uskup Bp. Slattery dari Tulsa, Oklahoma di Basilika Immaculate Conception, Michigan Avenue, Washington DC; 24 April

(Memperingati 5 tahun bertahtanya Bapa Suci Benediktus XVI, dan berterima kasih atas Summorum Pontificum 2007 yang memberikan Indult universal bagi imam-imam untuk merayakan misa dalam ritus lama)


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